Monday, June 6, 2011

Grin then anyway

Better to grin than to glower, even if angry with your darling flower; it's a larger share of power, but, true, the taste is slightly sour.

There is no great love that did not end in tragedy;
so, dim your heart that seeks for honest plums.
Learn smaller delight, and parcel out your pearls to chums -
it wasn't for dread Death to part us, love, but your disloyalty.

keep this to myself

there's something in this dream that I want to get. I just felt it; it's like dejà vu but also it has something to do with this song that's playing. It's just inside my reach, but I can't see it for all the weird nostalgia-tainted obscuring fog. Or, not fog, so much as light. It's a dim light. It's pretty, though. You are there, but I don't think you can come along. I'm pretty sure it has to do with cancer.
I'm pretty sure I can feel the edges of it.